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30th Generations MINI-Con Assault Team


30th Generations - Sorry but I have to put both insignia faction on this one. Mini-con was actually a tool for both faction to be used during the war until those Mini-cons were sent to earth according to Armada timeline. A combine Mini-con was not a new things in the Transformers world. To my knowledge; most Mini-cons will combine either into a sword or a weapon of mass destruction. But this group of Assault Team is made of three Mini-cons; Heavytread, Runway and Windshear. This three will combine into an almost deluxe class Centuritron. Due to the nature of a combiners; I will split the review individually and squeeze the content as pack as possible. Here is my long review of this figure(s). So bare with me...



As Shockwave explained his role in the Dark Cybertron prophesy to Galvatron, a swarm of seventy billion Ammonites descended upon Cybertron, with Centuritron front-and-center among the throng of invaders. Sources:

The MINI-Con Assault Team



Heavytread's small size makes him an incredibly maneuverable tank on the battlefield, giving him both firepower and the speed and agility to make him a hard target to hit. As a member of the Mini-Con Assault Team, he can combine with Windshear and Runway into Centuritron.

Vehicle and RobotMode

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Heavytread looks like the muscle of the team. His alternate mode is a tank. Quite a good choice of vehicle mode. Anyway, his turret cannot be rotated due to it simplistic design. I love his tank mode compared with his robot mode. His right eyes was intentionally blind. Maybe due to battle related incident. There is not much articulation on this commander class figure and I really do not like the hollow parts on his shoulders and hands area. Another thing that I really dislike was the big 'CE' on the tank turret. As we expect from a commander class figure; the transformation was quite easy. You have to remove the turrets part to make it as a weapon.

Heavytread form the leg parts (that is why he need to be tough and sturdy than the rest).


Runway is the speediest member of the Mini-Con Assault Team, able to take out targets at any range with his twin arm-cannons. As a member of the Assault Team, he can combine with Windshear and Heavytread into Centuritron.

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The name is quite a good one. Then I remember that he is one of the Mini-con that form the legendary sword from Armada timeline - Star Saber. Anyway, Runway has an interesting jet plane mode. For a small plane; he sure have a lot of power on those engine thrusts. Anyway; he looks a bit like Dreadwing (TF:Prime). His headsculpt that really gives it away. His rear engine became a sort of energy cannon weapon. His transformation is easy peezy lemon squeezy. All you need to remember was to put his weapon between the wings to complete its vehicle form.

Runway is the middle part that form the middle part, the torso and the hands part.


Windshear is the Mini-Con Assault Team's combat support. Her helicopter mode's stealth capabilities render her undetectable in combat, allowing her to sneak up on a target and strike before they even know what's happening. She can combine with Runway and Heavytread into Centuritron.

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Here is the part where she is the worst among the trio. But read up the positive parts first. Windshear is the most important part of the trio, the head. She got quite a sleek helicopter mode and her machine gun can be mounted on the front cockpit. Both her chopper blade is functional. I love her vehicle mode as it looks like an Apache gunship. Her robot mode looks like she is the Cybertron mode of The Wasp from Marvel The Avengers. Just look at her. She looks like an insect. Her transformation is easy and here is where I am really frustrated with Hasbro lack of quality. The cockpit always pops up for no apparent reason. It seems that the peg that hold the cockpit together is quite weak. And that is just the start of it. Wait until we combine it into Centuritron.

Windshear forms the upper part of the body and hidden in its body is the head of Centuritron (The only female combiners that in my knowledge.)


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Combine Mode

Sorry for not taking the picture of the combining method. As I mentioned on the above segment; each MINI-Cons are a small parts that form Centuritron. Heavytread was the most easiest as you just need to push the head and both hands to the back. However, Runway is a bit tricky. There is a rotating mechanism inside its body. There is a hidden pair of hand inside his legs. The tricky part was to put Runway hands inside the body. Windshear has a hidden head inside its body. Pull that up and the Windshear leg makes up the backpack of Centuritron. Now the fun parts begins, Heavytread combines with Runway and lastly put Windshear on top. Make sure the stupid cockpit of Windshear put inside the nose of Runway jet mode. Don't forget to align the blade of Windshear. Tadaaa.. Now you got an almost deluxe size robot.


I will cut this short since I have reviewed each of those small MINI-Cons. Although this is a new innovation and improvement for Hasbro. I found out that there is a lot of flaw in this new figures. First of all, the quality just felt off compared to the rest of the commander class. Almost felt like the DoTM legend class which was really bad. For a combiner; his articulation is very limited. You cannot expect a great pose out of this figure. So don't expect thing too much. But I do praise Hasbro for this new innovation and really pushing the MINI-con into a new height. And if you pose it on the side, you will see how much expose this figure really is on it chest part.

So if you want the comic book that came with this figure; I suggest to get the Hasbro version. But if you want a good looking MINI-Con; get the Takara instead which has shiny metallic color (but the problem still persist). One more thing; those peg you see can actually be used in older Armada mold. I did Google it and someone did test it out nicely.




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