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Rescue Bots Rescan Optimus Prime


Rescue Bots - Do you have children that is below the age of 5? Well I do. And as my son grew older; he seems has a keen eye on most of my collections. I don't mind as he don't really understand how to play with Transformers. And he only play my Transformers as a vehicle mode. That is why I usually bought him a toy cars instead. When my nephew bought his deluxe Rescue Bots Optimus to our room; at an instant want to play with it. You know children. They got jealous and everything. And my nephew was not the sharing type. Then the next day; I saw this new waves of Rescue Bots. It looks pretty good and it is safe to play even for my son (the hazard that most of my deluxe class collection came with a missile launcher). So I bought him this.

Vehicle Mode

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I have not watched the animation before as it is not airing in our local station. So basically, I have no idea the story line of this series. I do love the changes they made to Optimus Prime. Rather than a semi-cab truck; Optimus vehicle mode is an off-road truck. I can only think of the Dodge Ram Optimus Prime in the Alternator/Binaltech series.

Robot Mode

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His transformation is a breeze. Easy to do even your 3 years old can do it. Just push the whole leg in or out and it will automatically do the rest. Even after doing it a few times; it is still sturdy and functional. Differ from the first wave which has jumpy spring load; this one is quite simple. Optimus Prime never looks better. Although there is zero articulation (what do you expect? It is for children); I really love the detail and design.


If you have a kid in mind who loves Transformers; then this is for you. It is safe and it does not contain small parts. It does not have spring loaded mechanism like before and it is a fun toy. So if you want your child to follow your footsteps; then buy this for them. You will not regret it.




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