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Special Ops Jazz

Reveal the Shield - I love Jazz. He is one cool Autobot. He is the type of Autobot that would be cool to hang out with but dangerous to be mess around. Anyway, this Reveal the Shield model is quite cool. For me, he is the best amongst the rest. Why? I will tell you why.


Jazz is Optimus Prime's right-hand man. Unlike Prowl, Prime's military strategist, Jazz responds well to change and improvisation. Whatever surprises the Decepticons spring, Jazz can deal with it. His position as Special Operations head calls for all the skills he possesses, yet he still has time to add some style to everything he does. Jazz's upbeat and outgoing personality make him one of the most popular Autobots among the Ark's crew.

Vehicle Mode

Amongst the deluxe model, he got an arsenal of cool weapon. Even in his vehicle mode, he can deploy his big loud speaker to disrupt his opponent. The door is fully functional and you can simply put the speaker outside its door. I wish that the speaker would work and that would be even cooler. The only thing that I really dislike is the lack of paint at the rear of his vehicle mode. It just too 'empty'. I think I would want to customize it with paint.

Transformation Mode

His transformation is similar to Bumblebee, but you need a little tweak on his foot. Sometimes the panel stuck when transforming into vehicle mode. With a livery paint from the original G1 version, who could hesitate not to buy this version of Jazz. Even his head sculpt still maintain that G1 aspect but even cooler. Did I say cool a lot of time? Anyway, the same with his vehicle mode, his speakers can be deploy and add to the mayhem. For those who think that the speakers is just for show, wait until you convert them into a more powerful blaster (like shown on top). Ain't it cool? Here I said it again, LOL.


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