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Hunt for the Decepticon - Another budget (not so much of a discount by Hua Ho) item that I bought last month. A repaint model of Dirge from Revenge of the Fallen. Both are preferable as the livery are quite very nice on both model. But unluckily, I can only get my hand on Jetblade; his fellow Decepticon.

Vehicle Mode


The jet mode are really sleek and nice looking. The blue and purple livery are very minimal yet a very nice combination. Instead of having a big logo on the upper back of the jet mode; the logo were placed on both wings. The side cockpit were also replaced with numeric ID (in which I really do not know what it mean). Like the previous version, the only thing that really out of place is the weapon. The missiles is quite big and bulky.

Transformation Mode


The transformation mode was a bit smaller in size compare to others. Even his head were quite smaller than Mindset (Autobot). But he does have cool feature that others do not have. A rotary engine when moving his arms. And his missiles fired with great accuracy. Worth the buy.


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